JH0project Network AS4242422007

JH0project currently operate 3 exchange locate at East Asia, United States, and United Kingdom, which all of them support automatic peering via WireGuard. Each location have two groups of nodes that are sprend in different fault domain or available domain, you can peer with both of them for redundancy.

JH0project Network Peering Locations:

NameLocationIP AddressProtocolStatus
jp-1-bTokyo, Japanjp-1-bWireGuard
jp-3-aTokyo, Japanjp-3-aWireGuard
uk-s-o-a-1London, United Kingdomuk-s-o-a-1WireGuard
uk-s-o-b-1London, United Kingdomuk-s-o-b-1WireGuard
us-e-o-a-2Ashburn, Virginia, United Statesus-e-o-a-2WireGuard
us-e-o-b-2Ashburn, Virginia, United Statesus-e-o-b-2WireGuard